educating all levels of consciousness


Has its own dedicated site now:

Make Conscious



Conscious Creation 30hr Training


Tuition: ZOOM Only: $350 | Full Course: $850

Schedule: 15hrs ONLINE | 15hrs ONSITE


Saturday April 11 | Understanding the Paradigm
10am-12pm: What are the 10 levels of Consciousness and how do we access them?

Sunday April 12 | Understanding the Paradigm
4pm-6pm: What is the Nature of Consciousness and how do we co-create with it?

Saturday April 18 | Understanding the Paradigm
10am - 12pm: What is the Nature of Phenomena and how do we practice phenomology?

Sunday April 19 | Understanding the Paradigm
4pm-6pm: How does our built environment reveal the Cosmos?

Saturday April 25 | Developing Tools for Transformation + Efflorescing the Seed
10am-11am: Sanskrit { The Vowels }
11am-12pm: Sacred Geometry { 1,2,3,4 }

Sunday April 26 | Developing Tools for Transformation + Efflorescing the Seed
4pm-5pm: Sanskrit { The Consonants }
5pm-6pm: Sacred Geometry { 5,6,7,8 }

Small breakout groups of 3-5 people on-line. An opportunity to workshop with me and your classmates directly, answering specific questions you have from the lecture and reviewing your subtle body maps and your phenomenological topoanalysis.

Saturday May 2 9am-12pm Section 1 | 2pm-5pm Section 2
Sunday May 3
9am-12pm Section 3 | 2pm-5pm Section 4

June 13-14 *  9am-5pm |
This will be pending shelter-in-place.}
15hrs Efflorescence and Integration
Arrive with a complete set of findings: including a subtle body strategy map and phenomenological topoanalysis. The full experience will unfold into a clearing of all levels of consciousness and the arrival of your own personal seed mantra and seed geometry/logo. We will be working with sound, asana, deep meditation, pranayama, and drawing.

Vision is not something that you wait for, but something urgently sought after through conscious and conscientious practice.

Join Jessica and special guest presenters for a 30hr multi-dimensional training, transmission, and activation that integrates and organizes global wisdom traditions into a coherent point of entry to all levels of your consciousness. Learn to read the body as a source text. Learn to connect to the Earth and mirror her through a process of efflorescence. Awaken the wisdom of co-creation and transform your felt experience of your body, your immediate surroundings, and the world around you.

Understanding the Paradigm:

The 10 Levels of Consciousness
The Etymology of Cosmos & Architectural Ornament
The Yoga Sutra & The Nature of Consciousness
The Heart Sutra & The Nature of Phenomena

Developing Tools for Transformation:

Meditation | Grounding & Accessing Intuition
Asana | Accessing the Subtle Energy Body
Drawing | Opening Vision through Sacred Geometry

Efflorescing The Seed:

Alphabet | Sanskrit & the Primordial Sound
Grammar | Harmonizing Symmetry and Syntax
Matrix | Integrating the multi-dimensional experience

A detailed manual will include original drawings and source material including excerpts and commentaries from: The Yoga Sutra, The Heart Sutra, The Quadrivium (Plato’s Academy) , and much more. Special guest presentations include Sound healing with Amor + Abel, and Sanskrit with Stéphane.

Please register by April 7. That will give us time to set up required reading, materials, and tools.


Past workshops

Sacred Geometry & Logo Design

Vision. Articulate. Communicate. Integrate

How can we bring consciousness, embodiment, and authentic discovery to the search for identity and narrative in today’s branding processes? In this daylong exploration of conscious creation, we will integrate and apply principles of sacred geometry from Plato’s Academy with yogic practices of embodied discovery to generate a seed geometry that begins to articulate who we are. Through facilitated contemplative drawing exercises combined with sound healing we will collaboratively effloresce and visually articulate our geometries into a resonant expression of our truth.

9:30am-12:30pm: Exploring Living Geometry and Sacred Geometry

Movement Session: Living Geometry in the Contemporary Context
Ritual movement is the foundation of sacred geometry. Begin a day of self-discovery through conscious movement that begins to map the path that your pencil and compass will take.

Presentation + Drawing Session: Sacred Geometry in the Contemporary Context
How has the sacred found its way into the secular? How has the appropriation and interpretation of sacred symbols created our contemporary milieu? Learn the basic language of sacred geometry and see deeper into the visual history of your immediate environment. Bring compass, ruler, sketchbook, and examples of contemporary design that you appreciate.



Afternoon Session: Guided Visioning and Sacred Geometry Practice
Guided meditations and contemplative drawing explorations that apply the curriculum of Platos’ Academy to contemporary communication paradigms. Finish the day with an articulated portfolio of logo explorations.

4:30-5:30pm Conscious Critique
Compassionately and consciously respond to each other’s discoveries.

February 22, 2020
LOCZI Design
175 De Haro St, San Francisco, CA 94103